Woodstock 5K
Location Woodstock 5K Start Time 9/12/2015 8:00:07 AM
Category 5K
Distance 3.10 miles Ascend 118 feet Descend -118 feet
Total Time 00:29:51 Moving 00:29:42 Stopped 00:00:09
Average Pace 00:09:37 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:07:31 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:12:23 min/mi
Calories 451.0154 Average HR N/A Max HR N/A
Weather 49 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 48.1 °F/49.3 °F; Pressure: 1016.8 mbar; Humidity: 91.9%; Dew point: 46.3 °F; Wind Speed: 0.6 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Brooks - Pure Grit
Garmin - 910XT
Duracell - CR2032 #5
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Notes 2015 Run Woodstock 5K is run at Hell Creek Ranch just outside of Hell Michigan. It was a cool and breezy day so standing around was a little bit not so fun, but it was great weather to run in once we got going.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:10:04 00:10:04 00:10:04 6.0 41.84
2.00 00:20:37 00:10:33 00:10:34 5.7 25.99
2.99 00:29:51 00:09:13 00:09:21 6.4 -66.81